What is CMOS and how does it mitigate?

Do you know what CMOS is? If not, then today's article is going to prove very beneficial for you. Anyway, how can anyone forget CMOS whenever it comes to Intergrated Circuit. This is because the two biggest advantages of CMOS are that what no one else can provide are its high noise immunity and low static power consumption. CMOS circuits use a combination of P-Type and N-Type MOSFET, so that they can easily implement logic gates and other digital circuits.

If seen, CMOS has many such features and advanatages due to which it is often given place in all modern intergrated circuits. So today I thought why should you people also be given complete information about what CMOS means so that you too can get to know about this great technology. Then, without delay, let's start and know what the CMOS is in Hindi. I always try to provide you as much information as possible, so that you will not have to go anywhere else.

The full form of CMOS is "Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor". CMOS technology is a very popular technology in the computer chip design industry and it is used broadly in today's times as Integrated Circuits. In many applications. In recent times, this technology is used in computer memories, CPUs and cell phones due to its many advantages. In this technology, both P channel and N channel of semiconductor devices are used.

One of the most popular MOSFET technologies available in recent times is Complementary MOS or CMOS technology. It is a dominant semiconductor technology of microprocessors, microcontroller chips, memories such as RAM, ROM, EEPROM and application specific integrated circuits (ASICs).

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The main advantage of CMOS is the comparison of NMOS and BIPOLAR technology is its smaller power dissipation. Unlike NMOS and BIPOLAR circuits, almost no static power dissipation is found in a Complementary MOS circuit. Power dissipates only when the circuit actually switches. As a result, it is possible that a greater amount of CMOS gates can be integrated into an IC as compared to NMOS and Bipolar Technology which can provide better performance. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor transistor has two types of MOS circuits: P-channel MOS (PMOS) and N-channel MOS (NMOS). Let us know about both these types.

What is NMOS
NMOS is built into a p-type substrate in which n-type source and drain are diffused. In NMOS, the majority of carriers are electrons. When a high voltage is applied to the gate then the NMOS starts to conduct. Just like when a low voltage is applied to the gate, then NMOS starts to conduct. NMOS is considered much faster than PMOS, since NMOS has carriers of electrons, and they travel at double the speed compared to Holes.

What is PMOS
P-channel MOSFETs have P-type sources and Drain diffuses into the N-type substrate. Majority carriers have holes in it. When a high voltage is applied to the gate, then PMOS starts to conduct. Whereas when a low voltage is applied to the gate, then PMOS starts to conduct. By the way, these PMOS devices are more immune to noise than NMOS devices.
