What is a Command Processor?

Do you know what is Command Processor? If not then the answer is that it is of an OS that processes and executes the commands of the users. If you want to get more information about Command Processor then you must read this article. This is because you will not get much information about this term of computer. So today I thought why should you people be given complete information about it so that no one remains in your mind. So without delay, let's start and know in detail about what is the Command Processor in Hindi.

This is the part of the operating system that receives and executes the operating system commands. Each operating system has a command processor. When a command prompt is displayed, then this command processor is waiting for one of the commands. When you enter the command, the command processor analyzes the syntax of that command to make sure that the command is valid or not, and then it either executes that command or makes an error warning issue. .

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While operating systems that have a graphical user interface, this command processor interprets mouse operations and executes the appropriate commands.

Another name of the command processor is command line interpreter.

What is the Technical Definition of Command Processor
A command processor is a program (written in assembler language, PL / 1, or compiled and linked into a load module) that receives control when a user, a command name in a terminal enters. This control is provided by the terminal monitor program (TMP), which is a program that provides an interface between terminal users and command processors, and has access to many system services.

The main difference between a Command Processor and other programs is that when a command processor is invoke, then a command processor parameter list (CPPL) is passed and that provides access to the program caller and Information of other system services.

Command processors must communicate with the user in the terminal, along with that they should also respond to abnormal terminations and attention interruptions. Command processors very easily recognize the subcommand names entered by the terminal user and then reload and control passes to the appropriate subcommand processor.

What is Command Line Interpreter
A command line interpreter is a program that allows to enter commands and then execute those commands in the operating system. Or you can say that it is literally an interpreter of commands.

A program that consists of a Graphical user interface (GUI) such as buttons and menus that are controlled by a mouse, unlike lines of text in a command line interpreter is accepted as commands from a keyboard. And then they are converted into functions that only the operating system can understand.

A command line interpreter program is generally referred to in a command line interface. Other names are CLI, command language interpreter, console user interface, command processor, shell, command line shell, and a command interpreter.

Why are Command Line Interpreters used?
If it can be controlled in a computer with easy-to-use applications that has a graphical interface, then you must be wondering why someone would need a command line to enter commands. By the way, there are mainly three main reasons about which we will know.

The first reason is that you can automate commands. There are many examples of this, such as a script that always shutdowns certain services or programs when the user first logs in. The second is that you can copy the similar file format if you want, so that you will not have to shift from one place to another repeatedly. All these things can be done fast and automatically using commands.

The second benefit is that by using a command line interpreter, you have direct access to the operating system functions. Advanced users can prefer the command line interface as this concise and powerful access gives them the facility they need. At the same time, new users or inexperienced users may suffer because it requires expereince. In this, available commands are not so common as used to be in menus and buttons.

The third benefit is that we can use command line interpreters when we have a large number of commands and options to control the operating system, but we do not understand how to do it. This may be the GUI sofThe tware which is in the operating system is not simply built to utilize those commands. Along with a command line interpreter helps you to use some of those commands, not to use all the commands at once. This makes them more beneficial in those systems in which you have less resources to run a graphical program.

More information about Command Line Interpreters
In most Windows operating systems, the primary command line interpreter is Command Prompt. By the way, Windows PowerShell is an even more advanced command line interpreter available with Command Prompt in recent versions of Windows.

As a first, in Windows XP and Windows 2000, a special diagnostic tool, also called Recovery Console, acted as a command line interpreter and performed many troubleshooting and system repair tasks.

The command line interface of the macOS operating system is called Terminal.

Many times it has been seen that both a command line interface and a graphical user interface are included in the same program. When this is the case then it is typical for an interface to support some functions that are not available in the other. This is often the command line portion that has to include more features because it provides raw access to application files and they are not limited to what the software developer chooses to include in the GUI.


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