What is RFID and how does it work?

शायद आप में से बहुत लोग ऐसे होंगे जिन्हें की ये पता हो की ये RFID क्या है? वैसे देखा जाये तो RFID की technology ज्यादा नयी technology नहीं है. बस अभी इसके ज्यादा applications के हो जाने के कारण ये सबके attention में आ गया है. जैसे की computer networking technology, जिसे की 60’s या 70’s के दसक में invent कर दिया गया था लेकिन उनका widespread adoption Internet के आने से ही हुई. ठीक वैसे ही RFID technology का इस्तमाल IOT (Internet Of Things) के आने से ही ज्यादा प्रचलित हुआ. इसके बाद का बात तो हमे पता ही है की कैसे लोगों ने वर्तमान के समय में RFID का इस्तामला हमारे जीवन के प्रत्येक भाग में करने लगे हैं.

RFID की इतनी लोकप्रियता को देखते हुए आज मैंने सोचा की क्यूँ न हमारे readers को RFID क्या है, इसमें इस्तमाल होने वाली technology क्या होती है और ये RFID कैसे काम करता है जैसे विषयों में पूरी जानकारी प्रदान की जाये जिससे उन्हें भी किसी RFID devices को इस्तमाल करने से पहले उसके काम करने के तरीके के विषय में मालूम हो. यदि आप सच में इस technology को समझना चाहते हैं तब आपको पूरी article जरुर से पढनी चाहिए क्यूंकि हो सकता है आप में से बहुतों को कुछ नया सीखने को मिल जाये. तो फिर बिना देरी किये चलिए शुरू करते हैं और जानते हैं की Radio-frequency identification क्या होता है हिंदी में.

Probably there will be many of you who know what this RFID is? By the way, the technology of RFID is not much new technology. Just because of its more applications, it has come to everyone's attention. Such as computer networking technology, which was invented in the decade of 60’s or 70’s but their widespread adoption came only with the advent of Internet. In the same way, the use of RFID technology became more popular with the advent of IOT (Internet Of Things). After this, we know how people have started using RFID in every part of our life in the present times.

Given the popularity of RFID, today I thought why our readers should be provided complete information in topics like what is RFID, what is the technology used in it and how does this RFID work, so that they can also be given any RFID devices Before using it, you should know about the way it works. If you really want to understand this technology then you must read the whole article because maybe many of you will get to learn something new. Then without delay, let's start and know what radio-frequency identification is in Hindi.

The full form of RFID is Radio-Frequency Identification. This acronym refers to a small electronic device made of a small chip and an antenna. This chip is typically capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data.

This RFID device also works the same way as a barcode or a magnetic strip that is placed behind the credit card or ATM card; It provides a unique identifier for that object. Just as a barcode or magnetic strip is scanned to get information, similarly the RFID device is also scanned to retrive identifying information.

When and who was the first to introduce RFID Technology?

RFID Technology was first used on January 23, 1973 by Mario W. Cardullo. Named after the first U.S. There is also a patent in which he invented rewritable memory in an active RFID tag. The same year Charles Walton, an entrepreneur from Califoria, received a patent in which he used a passive transponder to unlock the door without a key.

RFID frequencies: what are the types of RFID systems?

There are many types of RFID systems. But there are three main types of them

1. Low frequency (LF)

2. High frequency (HF)

3. Ultra-high frequency (UHF)

4. Microwave RFID

Frequencies vary by country and region.

Low-frequency RFID systems have a range from 30 KHz to 500 KHz, while its typical frequency is 125 KHz. LF RFID has short transmission ranges, which can generally range from a few inches to six feet.

High-frequency RFID systems have a range from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, while its typical HF frequency is 13.56 MHz. And it has a standard range from a few inches to several feet.

UHF RFID systems have a range from 300 MHz to 960 MHz, while its typical frequency is 433 MHz and its standard range is from 10 feet to 25-plus feet.

Microwave RFID systems run at a frequency of 2.45 GHz and can also be read 30+ feet away.

How RFID works

Before understanding the technology of RFID, we have to understand what are its different parts and what are their functions.

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