
What is Set Top Box and how to set?

If you are using TV to watch Serials or Movies at home, then you must have seen a small box near the TV, and must be wondering what is the Set Top Box and what will be its work. The answer is that it is Set Top Box. Now you must be wondering what is this machine? Why do we take it with our TV? Can we do it by not applying it? Are there different types of it? If all these questions are arising in your mind then do not panic because you are going to know in this article only about what this set top box is and how to set these set top boxes. By the way, the function of the set up box is to decode the information received from the satellites and finally deliver it to the TV, so that we can see that decoded information from the medium of our TV. This box is also called set up unit (stu). There are many questions about this box in the minds of people, so today I thought why should you be given complete information about Set Top Box in Hindi? So that in the coming time, you already have compl...

What is Battery Charger and how many types?

What is battery charger? If you have a battery (rechargable battery) then you must have used Battery Charger to charge it. But I know that even if you have used this charger, but many will not know what these battery chargers are in the end and how they work. By the way, there are many colors and variety of chargers available in the market, if you do not know about Battery Chargers, then you may be tempted to choose the right charger for you. In this case, I thought why not provide some information about the charger to you so that you can understand it better. If I take an example of this charger, then it will be the Mobile Battery Charger, which we use to charge our mobile device. How will it happen if you have complete knowledge about the battery charger, this will make it even easier to use it and you can also save it from getting spoiled. Then without delay let's start and know what is Battery Charger in Hindi i. A battery charger is a device that through electricity restores t...

How to make Pen Drive Bootable?

There was a time when we used CDs or DVDs to install Windows in our system. But the times are changing, now we use Pen Drive in place of CD or DVD. Now this question must be coming in your mind that how to make pen drive bootable to do this? Many people find this work very difficult, so they go to a computer shop or some computer technicians. He charges about Rs.200 to Rs.300 from them to install System Format for Windows. If I say that now you will not have to pay any money and you can easily do this work yourself. Yes friends i am not lying Making USB Pendrive bootable is very easy. So today I thought that why should you all be provided complete information about how to make Pendrive bootable, so that you do not have any problem in this and you will not have to depend on anyone to do this. Then without delay, let's start and get the complete information of how to make a bootable pen drive. When we start our computer, then there are some operations that our computer starts to perf...

What is C language and how to learn?

There are a lot of questions in mind about what is C Language and how to learn C Language. If you want to become a good Software Engineer, then the most important thing for him is coding. Because in technical interviews you can ask their experts to write code along with theory question. In such a situation, if you do not have the right knowledge of Programming, then you do not proceed in these interviews. By the way, in these interviews, questions are asked in the context of basic programming language such as C, C ++. Now the question arises that do you know what is this C language? Why is it recommended to learn C programming before learning any language? How is it learned? If all these questions also arise in your mind, then this article of today, how to learn C Programming Language is going to be very informative. Why many people, especially students, asked us to write about programming languages, as a result of which today I thought why not start it from C Language in Hindi because...

What is Backlight Compensation?

Most of us know how to take photos from our own camera or from a SmartPhone, but we do not know how to use all the functions in the camera, due to which we try as much as we can but we cannot take a photo like a photographer. One such feature is Backlight Compensation. There is hardly any of you who knows what Backlight Compensation is? This is because many camera manufacturers often write misleading features in the descriptions of products to sell their products to average consumers like us. The effect of this is that many naive spears customers buy those products. Due to which they are not able to use those features even after they want it, because it is not there in it. At the same time there are also many consumers, who are unable to use them due to lack of knowledge about this feature of the camera. There are many other features of the camera as well, such as Backlight Compensation (BLC), Highlight Compensation (HLC), Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) which are very important for the camer...

What is CMOS and how does it mitigate?

Do you know what CMOS is? If not, then today's article is going to prove very beneficial for you. Anyway, how can anyone forget CMOS whenever it comes to Intergrated Circuit. This is because the two biggest advantages of CMOS are that what no one else can provide are its high noise immunity and low static power consumption. CMOS circuits use a combination of P-Type and N-Type MOSFET, so that they can easily implement logic gates and other digital circuits. If seen, CMOS has many such features and advanatages due to which it is often given place in all modern intergrated circuits. So today I thought why should you people also be given complete information about what CMOS means so that you too can get to know about this great technology. Then, without delay, let's start and know what the CMOS is in Hindi. I always try to provide you as much information as possible, so that you will not have to go anywhere else. The full form of CMOS is "Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconducto...

What is RFID and how does it work?

शायद आप में से बहुत लोग ऐसे होंगे जिन्हें की ये पता हो की ये  RFID क्या है ? वैसे देखा जाये तो RFID की technology ज्यादा नयी technology नहीं है. बस अभी इसके ज्यादा applications के हो जाने के कारण ये सबके attention में आ गया है. जैसे की  computer  networking technology, जिसे की 60’s या 70’s के दसक में invent कर दिया गया था लेकिन उनका widespread adoption  Internet  के आने से ही हुई. ठीक वैसे ही RFID technology का इस्तमाल IOT (Internet Of Things) के आने से ही ज्यादा प्रचलित हुआ. इसके बाद का बात तो हमे पता ही है की कैसे लोगों ने वर्तमान के समय में RFID का इस्तामला हमारे जीवन के प्रत्येक भाग में करने लगे हैं. RFID की इतनी लोकप्रियता को देखते हुए आज मैंने सोचा की क्यूँ न हमारे readers को RFID क्या है, इसमें इस्तमाल होने वाली technology क्या होती है और ये RFID कैसे काम करता है जैसे विषयों में पूरी जानकारी प्रदान की जाये जिससे उन्हें भी किसी RFID devices को इस्तमाल करने से पहले उसके काम करने के तरीके के विषय में मालूम हो. यदि आप सच में इस technology को समझना चाहते हैं त...